Members who held a valid membership at 31st May 2023 have had their memberships rolled over for free until now and are eligible to vote on matters arising at our AGM.
Members will receive an email with more details on how to vote by midnight on Friday 6th September 2024.
Any members who have not received an email by the above date should contact
We are very pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with UCL to host our matchday bars at their brand new Marshgate building right next to the London Stadium!
This new partnership offers the Supporters' Club the chance of having a long term home going forward after a number of years where we have had to move venue several times. As well as indoor space, there is also plenty of outdoor space available to us to make the most of when weather permits.
Following licence approvals, we will be working with them over the summer to be ready to hold our first event at the beginning of the 2024/25 season.
The Supporters' Club Committee would like to thank all involved at UCL who have helped make this new venue available to us and we can't wait to welcome back our members and see the first pint poured in August!
The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a deeply sad moment. She dedicated her life to serving the British people and Commonwealth, and in her 70 years of service, when our world has changed beyond recognition, she has been a constant.
Throughout her reign she served with dedication, dignity, and duty. On behalf of the Committee and Members of the West Ham United Supporters' Club we have sent a message of our sincere condolences to the Royal family as we mourn her passing.
As you may have heard, our match against Newcastle has been postponed as a mark of respect for Her Majesty so we will see you at the next home match on Saturday 1st October.
God Bless The Queen and God Save The King
Everyone at the West Ham United Supporters' Club was very sad to hear of the recent passing of Supporters' Club stalwart Fred Ansell.
Fred, seen here presenting the Hammer of the Year trophy to Winston Reid in 2013 passed away aged 92.
We send our condolences to his wife Joan and all his family and friends.
From the 2021/22 season, the Supporters' Club will have exclusive use of both floors of The Last Drop just a minute from two security entrances!
From Saturday 28th August we will be showing live matches on SkySports throughout the whole venue! (BT Sports is not yet financially viable to subscribe to due to West Ham playing so few games on a Saturday when BT broadcast their games until at least Christmas!)
Special Supporters' Club prices apply on West Ham match days! Our famous 4 pint jugs are £15 for Fosters!
Members are advised that the AGM will take place online on Sunday 11th April at 12pm.
Members should have received an email on 20th March confirming this and more information about how to attend the online AGM will follow in due course.
We are pleased to be able to announce the launch of the new West Ham United Independent Supporters' Committee. The official ISC announcement is below or head over to our dedicated West Ham United ISC page for all the latest information on the ISC.
The representatives of 8 WHU supporters groups and the Club have established and agreed a memorandum of understanding, together with the required protocols, to facilitate the formation of the Independent Supporters Committee (ISC).
It is hoped that the ISC will quickly evolve into a vigorous forum to bring meaningful change for the mutual benefit of all supporters and the Club.
The ISC will immediately begin to identify the priorities of WHU supporters, to investigate resolution actions and establish action plans to implement changes for improvement.
We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the Club to identify the opportunities for changes for the benefit of all WHU supporters.
This announcement is signed by: Any Old Irons (Don Adams), BAME Hammers (Lee Vehit), Bondholders (Steve Applebee), Disabled Supporters (Cathy Bayford), Hammers United (Andy McConnell), Pride of Irons (Jim Dolan), West Ham United Independent Supporters Association (Sue Watson) and West Ham United Supporters Club (Paul Christmas)
We would like to thank Ashley from The Football Supporters' Association for all his hard work in helping to bring the groups together and facilitating discussions with the West Ham United FC.
WHUSC Committee Member Paul Christmas said "The West Ham United Supporters Club looks forward to continue to work on behalf of our members with the ISC and the Club in the best interests of West Ham United as we have done since 1947"
Paul will represent the Supporters' Club on the ISC and an email detailing the agenda items for the first meeting with the club in early February will be sent out to members shortly. Paul asks for any issues or fan experience related comments and suggestions that would be appropriate for the new ISC to take forward with the football club to be raised.
The official announcement on the club's website can be found here and the FSA's here.
Following a successful 4 game trial period, The Last Drop have agreed to extend our partnership with them until at lest the end of the current season.
Verbal agreement has been reached that the arrangements will continue into the 2020/21 season with the plan to put in place a written agreement to give certainty to both parties going forward.
Matchday Bar opening times vary depending on the match kick off time and day. Please check our Matchday Events page for exact opening times. Please note that the bar does not open after 7:45 or 8pm kick offs.
Members gain access to the hospitality suite and upstairs terrace via an exclusive entrance at the rear of the building (stadium facing side).
Where is The Last Drop? Well, you may know it through it’s former name of The Podium Bar! Yes, the closest bar to the London Stadium right next to the big red structure the ArcelorMittal Orbit! You can't miss it!
Visit The Last Drop's website here
The Committee invites all 2019/20 Members to our AGM that will be held at 1pm on Saturday 28th December 2019 upstairs at The Last Drop. All Members should have received an email with further information. If you didn't then please email
After a number of years of not being presented to the Club's "Hammer of the Year" the new Supporters' Club Committee have worked with West Ham United to reinstate the presentation of the historic trophy. Supporters' Club member Michael Searle had the honour of visiting the Rush Green training ground to present the trophy to 2018/19 Hammer of the Year Lukasz Fabianski.
Voted for by the Club's fans, the trophy has had many famous recipients including the great Bobby Moore, fellow World Cup winning Hammers Sir Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters, Sir Trevor Brooking, Billy Bonds and current Club Captain Mark Noble.
The video of the presentation was shown on the big screen before the 2-0 win over Norwich City.
Congratulations Lukasz!!
Despite continued attempts by the Committee to secure the on-going rental of Stour Space on match days, Stour Space's new management have unfortunately decided that as part of their new business model they do not want to close their venue for any private events going forward. This is not just in relation to our match day bar, they have also cancelled a number of other booked events including weddings. We have tried to reach a compromise arrangement to use their venue but they were only prepared to offer us use of the Mezzanine area to sell bottled beers only. Capacity would have been limited to around 40 members at a time on the Mezzanine and the downstairs draught beer bar would not have been available to us. I'm sure you understand that this would not be anywhere near a suitable situation for us so we will no longer be holding a match day bar at Stour Space unless their position changes. We have parted on amicable terms and have asked them to approach us if their offering changes.
Details of the venue for forthcoming matchday bars will be advised as soon as they are known.
For the Norwich game, Members can show their membership card to gain access to Forman's restaurant "Smoke & Bubbles Club" in Stour Road just a minute from Stour Space.
Members should note that the Match Day Bar will return to its usual home at Stour Space for the Chelsea game on Sunday 23rd September. The bar will be open from 10:30am to 7pm and to celebrate saving the Supporters' Club we're gving members their first drink for free!
WHUSC members finally got their 2018 A.G.M. and voted in a new Committee and Constitution to take the Club forward - read the email sent to 2017/18 members here.
After a summer of legal disputes, ALL 2017/18 members of the West Ham United Supporters' Club are invited to attend the 2018 AGM on Sunday 9th September 12:30pm at The Boleyn Tavern.
For older news articles please visit the News Archive