The West Ham United Supporters’ Club held its 2018 Annual General Meeting at The Boleyn Tavern on Sunday 9th September 2018. A copy of the draft minutes can be downloaded here [108 KB]. Any amended version will be published on the WHUSC website in due course and will be put forward for formal adoption at the 2019 AGM.
61 members attended the 2018 AGM and elected a new Executive Committee (now simply referred to as the “Committee”) before adopting the draft new Constitution that was circulated to members prior to the meeting. A copy of the newly adopted WHUSC Constitution with a covering Executive Summary is available here [205 KB] .
The newly elected Committee comprises:
Chair - Paul Richman
Vice Chair - Andy Read
Secretary - Donna Heuerman
Treasurer - Colin James
Social & Events - Paul Christmas (who has indicated his willingness to continue in the role he had been previously elected to if required by the Committee)
The new Constitution will, in the future, allow members to vote on key issues and elections in person, by proxy or online voting methods. The controversial Rule 32 that stated that any excess funds on dissolution of the Club should be shared between members with 8 years continuous membership was removed and now any excess funds on dissolution will be donated to charities chosen by the members.
What happens now?
The first few days of the new Committee have already seen the clearing up of some of the outstanding issues and debts that have been in limbo over the past 6 months or so. A new website at and new contact emails have all been set up as the WHUSC enters a new era.
The Save Our Supporters’ Club campaign group has now been dissolved as it has achieved its aims and the Campaign Committee would like to thank everyone who gave their support.
The new Committee will now proceed with the sale of the Club’s property in Green Street to provide funds for the refurbishment of Castle Street once a sustainable business plan has been put in place.
The Committee will also commence the search for a permanent venue near the London Stadium.
The Matchday Bar will now return to the control of the WHUSC Committee and all 2018/19 memberships and funds from the Matchday Bar will now transfer over to the West Ham United Supporters' Club.
If you have not previously joined the 2018/19 Matchday Bar then application for membership of the West Ham United Supporters' Club for 2018/19 costing £25 which allows you access to the WHUSC Matchday Bar at Stour Space and Castle Street (subject to refurbishment and re-opening) can be made here
Please note that under the new General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) introduced in May we cannot continue to email you unless you have given your consent for us to do so. As a result, we will no longer be sending emails to anyone who has not signed up to the WHUSC for the 2018/19 season.
2018/19 WHUSC Members will receive regular newsletters on the progress of the Club but everyone, including non-members, can keep up to date on WHUSC news and events at the new website at and on Twitter @WHUSupportClub
Thank you for your support!
WHUSC Committee